The Sea Point Promenade view from our Three Anchor Bay apartment in Cape Town
In comparison to the start of 2013, April was a somewhat less hectic and travel-intensive month. Rather than disappear on another trip, we decided to concentrate on enjoying the epic late summer weather in Cape Town.
Training at the 3.2km Llandudno Cold Water Swim
Another good reason for staying close to home was to enable me to train hard for our Robben Island swim, which is on the cards for early next month. Along with five friends, I’ll be swimming the traditional 7.8km ocean crossing from the island to Blouberg. It’s an official swim under the watchful eye of the Cape Long Distance Swimming Association ( so that means no wetsuits allowed… Yikes!
The stunning weather at this time of year also got us back walking on the beautiful mountain that resides in our backyard with regular trips up Lions Head and couple of overnight hikes with friends and family to the delightfully rustic Hoerikwaggo Trail Tented Camps and luxurious Overseers Cottage on the back table. Everyone who lives in Cape Town should make a point of getting onto the mountain at least once a summer to sample these affordable weekend escapes that lie in easy striking distance within the city limits (
Two Oceans Trail Run finish
After an enforced five-month layoff from trail running thanks to a Wild Coast Wildrun induced knee injury, I finally got the all clear from the doc to start running again and celebrated my return to fitness by taking part in the Two Oceans Trail Run ( on Good Friday. The knee held up well over the mountainous 22km course, the weather was great and the Devil’s Peak scenery spectacular … It was fantastic to be back running in the mountains again!
March was also a productive month on the magazine front with a number of exciting new stories hitting the shelves. Africa Geographic ran a big feature on Khaudum, Namibia’s wildest national park, and its elephants, which you can check out at:
While on the trail running front, Explore South Africa published Transkei Trailblazing – the last in our series of epic mullti-day Southern African trail runs – and you can view the story here:
The Overseers Cottage atop Table Mountain overlooks the hustle-and-bustle of the Southern Suburbs